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General Sketcher Rules


New member
I was wondering if there are any general sketcher rules that should be followed regarding dimensioning. I often get the please add dimensions, undimensioned error when I'm sketching without intent manager. Sometimes points are highlighted when I am given this message and sometimes they aren't. It takes me a really long time adding one dimension at a time in order for me to find the one they are requiring. Can someone give me some guidelines? Your help would be very appreciated.
My advice is take it one point at a time. When your sketch is underdimensioned Pro is supposed to highlight the points that are not defined. In my experience the only time point are not highlighted is when you are overdimensioned. Sketcher requires that you define each point, whether it is an arc center, or a line end. So take a look at each point on the sketch, and understand what defines it. If you cant find where your sketch is failing with a glance, taking it one point at a time is a systematic way of ruling out the possiblities.
If yur are not using intent manager, you feel you have over dimensioned your sketch. Some points are still highlighted. I do a zoom in or zoom out >Regenerate, before I start adding more dimensions. I have been using KISS rule since 76 even for Sketcher!


Thank you, that reminds me of a first grade class students. Sharp they don't let you forget a letter is missing or a space. I think ProE was born late 80's.



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