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FREE Equidistant Feature Spacing PowerCopies


New member
These PowerCopies allow you to equally space whatever feature you select across a given distance.

There are three different ones:

Centered: Is used when you want to base your pattern off the center of a feature and go to either side but maintaining a specified minimum distance from each end.

Divided Center: Is used when you want to base your pattern off the center of a feature, the numbers of features are known, and go to either side but maintain a specified distance from each end.

Offset from One Side: Is used when you want to base your pattern off one end of a feature and you want to maintain a minimum distance from the other end.

Because I'm power copying a Pattern I had to create three separate ones, one for each workbench Part Design, Generative Shape Design, and Sheetmetal Design. Step by step instructions are provide as well as practice parts. You can download it all free from my website at Solid Engineering Solutions, CATIA V5. All parts were created using CATIAV5 R19.

I hope you enjoy this technique as much as I did creating it. Question, comments, and suggestions are always welcomed.

Thank You
John B Cearns


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