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Frames and title blocks


New member

I am working on a 2-D drawing and I am having trouble to insert or create a frame and title block. I created the views and added diemensions, but when I make the background active to insert the frame/title block, the dialog box is empty! I have looked at the tutorial and it is supposed to have some options to use templates, create new ones, ect. Did anybody come across a issue like that?


I think you should check option of draftingas below:

(main menu) Tools -> Options ->(in Right) Mechanical Design -> (select) Drafting(in Left) Layout (tab) -> (below the page) Background View --- in the "Directory for frame and title block" textbox check the value is valid for your computer. It should be -----(Where you install CATIA)----\B16\intel_a\VBScript\FrameTitleBlock

Check it with full attension!!! Sometimes it's happend that after uninstall and installing the catia (IN OTHER PLACE), enviornment setting remains same and no longer valid.


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