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flexible component problem inWF

Uni Phil

New member
I'm trying to put together a quick coil over suspension shock in assembly mode so that it can be putinto a different assembly.

I'm following a tutorial that says that I have to have both the assembly that I am constraining the spring in and also the spring part, which I have done.

The problem arrises when I right click on the spring in assembly mode and go to make flexible, where I asume that the dimensions have to be shown fr me to pick one, but there are no dimensions.

Have I drawn the spring wrong or the is something else wrong?

any help will be most appriciated.
Perhaps the spring was built out of datum curves and a solid swept along the datum curves. The curves containing the springs dimensions might be on a layer and turned off?
I made the spring using the helical sweep command.

I'm pretty sure it's something so simple which I haven't applied.

All the layers are turned on as well, so I'm not quite sure what I've done wrong.
Sometimes dimensions will not display dependent upon your view orientation. Turn the view differently and try again. I have not seen this situation occur recently, but it has been a fix in the past when dimensions would not display.
Cheers for the tip Donha but unfortunately they aren't aren't fixing the problem.

I'm going to download one of those already done springs and see if that works, that way I'll be able to see if it's something I did wrong when I created the spring.

Keep the tips rolling ;)
I have downloaded a spring out of the files section on this site, changed a few dimensions to fit and put it into my shock assembly, although I still have the same problem as before.

It is definately something I am doing wrong I rekon.

This shock took me less than 30mins to do everything, but if someone wants to help then I don't mind emailing them all the files in the assembly and the assembly itself to see if anyone can help.

I'm going to put the shock on this site afterwards under the files section for anyone who wants a quick coil over shock that can be resized for whatever benifit.
Only one other thing I can think of. If you have the part active in a window with the feature modified (showing the dimensions), the dimensions will not show in the assembly until you repaint the part window. This holds true up to 2001. I don't know about Wildfire.
What an idiot!!!

I've figured it out now; in PTC's tutorial it doesn't say choose the section or profile box and go ok and then you dimensions will show up!!!!

The PTC tutorial is actually really vague, as it also doesn't say anything about if it needs to be constrained or unconstrained and if so which type of constraint!!

When I eventually figure it all out I'll post my findings.
The tutorials are pretty much worthless these days. All they tell is what the menu selections are. I actually have some old version 18 paper manuals that have more detail and illustrations. (Remember when ProE help had illustrations?) These old manuals are actually more helpful than the 2001 help files! They must be having all there technical writing done overseas now too. It looks like some of the online help files for for wildfire are starting to include some graphics and a little better detail.
Any chance of seeing those tutorials rcamp..... please

I've just found out that what I did didn't actually work so I'm back to sqaure one again.

Has anyone got any non-ptc tutorials with files that I can have a go at and see if I get the hang of it then.

The PTC stuff seems to be just plain useless!!!!

