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Feature referenced by gtol cannot delete


New member
I want to delete a round and cannot: "Feature referenced by geometric tolerance cannot be deleted". Does anyone know how to work with this situation? What GTOL in what drawing is referencing the round? How do I find the GTOL and delete it so I can delete the round?
Ya, I was assuming the default datums, which have been converted to Geometric Datums, are parents of the round. The only solution I know of at this time is to Clear the Geometric Datums. No GTOLS were attached to the round.There is no way to trace which GTOL Pro/E is complaining about.
It is more likely a feature control frame rather than a datum which is attachedto the round in question. This sometimes happens when the G'tol is inserted in the drawing. You may have intended to select a surface normal to your drawing view and actually selected a round. The same thing can cause a similar problem when you define a reference point for a detail view or attach notes. The problem tolerance may also be not shown and therefore hard to investigate. "Show all" feature control frames will let you see if there is anything else to investigate.<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

If your datums are the default datums, renamed, then those datums have nothing to do with the error because they are not a child.


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