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famous industrial designer


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Famous Industrial Designer named Karim Rashid

I thought the engineers on this forum might learn a thing or three by reading an article about Karim Rashid. He has products designed and developed products for Kartel (Italian Furniture) to Target. This guy is in the history books and he is under 45 years old. Engineers might have a hard time relating to an eccentric character such as this guy however it is good to stay on top of the more famous industrial designers.

Just because the guy wears pink glasses does not mean that he is ...

Enjoy! Any comments? Don

It was nice to see the pictures posted by you. I thought that it would be something related to Pro/e. Anyways I am very much interested to learn again Pro/E through you. I have gone through reply's posted by you. It was great to have someone like you to help people like us. it would be nice if you give me some tips on surfaces. I would love to see more about ID also.

Thanks for replying

Edited by: kujur11a

