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family table "filters"...


New member
I see in the wildfire (2.0) family table selection box, there, on the upper right side, is a filter selection "field". how do I change the filters to allow various "items" to be included in my family table? thanks in advance.
LET ME REVISE THIS QUESTION...WHY WONT IT RECOGNIZE GROUPS???? I have grouped some components, in an assembly. any ideas> with all other family table options, once you pick the item, the filter pdates, but it doesnt seem to want to recognize/select groups.
I have tried to create group in assembly and then tried to select it in family table and got error: No Group found. Well this is funny if I take group for filter and then select group, and then Pro/E tells me that there is no group huh that is something very wrong?.
But I got solution for this, if you take feature instead group you will be able to select groups in model tree like features and out them in family table.
I know that this isn't like it supposed to bee but family tables aren't still in proper shape they must be.
Also be careful if you must change density of part, when he got family table (if you change density in generic, and regenerate all instances it will be changed, save file-generic, open it again in new session and old density is back even in generic part).
Hope it helps a little.
Isair- here is what I found- same as you!!!! a "local group" is selectable thru feature. I contcatde PTC and was informed the "group" on the filter list is actually UDF groups, not local groups....
Heh, well in one hand this is logical that group is a feature (in hierarchy of model tree it is feature), but then it is confusing that in filter you have group to select, but then this isn't group its UDF. It should be better that they have written UDFs.


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