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Family table driven colors


New member
Hello all and good day.

I have a part file, created in Wildfire 2.0,that I use for spacing components off of a base plate for fixtures. The dimensions of these parts is identical except for the thickness. What I want to do is to have the different thickness spacers show up as different colors in the assembly without having to go into the assembly and change the colors at that level.

I have the spacers set up as a family table and want to adda "color" column to the table so I can visually see the different thicknesses. There are times when I need to stack two spacers and I want to see the different thicknesses used.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you all in advance for your help
as i know you cannot assign different color in parts that are memebrs of a family table.

this should be able if we could use the parameter "color" in a column of a family table... but it is not possible... you have to live with it....
There is only one tidious procedure to do this as I know.

that is in the generic create surface features that encloses all the features.(solid surf).

the number of surfaces features should be equal to the number of instances.

then assign different colors to diff. surfs.

then in the family table, create columns for all surfaces.

an say y/n to surface.
I have done the same thing, but the way I solved it takes time, especially if you hace a large amount of spacers. What I did was to model all of the spacers. You can save some time by modeling one of the spacers, and doing "SAVE AS" to create the others. Call up the parts and give them each their own color. Now create an assembly with all of the spacers. Create the family table using "component" as the crieria. When you assemble to your fixture plate, pick the instance that you want, and that part will have its original color.

Good luck


