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Failed to take or refresh license


We've got a problem with 1 client computer (Win2K, Ilink 3.3):

Intralink / Pro/E worked OK till about a month ago, now he gets the message:

Failed to take or refresh license

when starting up / logging on.

Also - if you try Ptcstatus.bat, you get:

Warning (32): Environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE is not set

Plus, the license servers are not recognised in the ptc.setup file (although you can PING them all).

He assures me nothing has changed on the computer :)

Anybody got any ideas? I'm probably missing something basic.



Hate to tell you what it sounds like, but check for the following; Make sure you can ping the host, both the license and Intralink server. Bet you you can ping them, and you can run PTC setup and verify the license and you can see them. Run PTC status from the machine and verify you are seeing the licenses. If all this checks out bet you that theres spyware on the machine not allowing you to pull the licenses correctly. Had that here on the guys laptop he had 3-4 different internet toolbars, and over 1000 pieces of spyware and it was blocking the machine from taking the license.

You can use Spybot or Adware to clean some of it up. You will need to go through and uninstall most of the toolbars that they installed because it will keep dumping crap on your machine. One reason to Lock the machines down from people...
We had this issue the other week. Found that ShopatHome agent on the computer was the problem after a call to TechSupport.

You may want to check out TAN 115722 on PTC's KnowledgeBase. The TAN list the apps that can create conflicts with the firewall/VPN client software.
Thanks for your posts, slashct & jeellis. They sound like they'd work.

Unfortunately, I won't get to try, since the user's at another location, and in the meantime the IT dept has re-formatted the disk..!

Anyway - I'll keep this in mind for future.


PTC responded:

Please go to the following link and read the TIP 115722. Also, look for any kind of Spyware, Trojan remover, Adware, or cookie control program.

This reference mentions various firewall programs which may sometimes clash with Pro/E licenses...


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