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Extrude to Offset Surface?


New member
I've got a goofy cut thats giving me problems. I'm cutting into a curved piece, it looks something like a 'square banana'. I have a datum plane above it (above the concave side of the banana). I want to sketch a cut in that datum plane and extrude it into the 'banana'. That part is easy enough. The problem is that I want the bottom surface of my cut to be offset from the opposite surface of the 'banana' by a certain amount.

It's similar in effect to a shell operation but there are many other features and areas that I don't want to be 'shelled' around it.

Is there any easy way to do this? I'm just not having any luck.

Thanks in advance!
first offset the bottom surface and then for your cut, extrude up to surface and select the surface you offset.

Or the way I usuall do it, is to extrude a blind distance and the use the tweak replace command (if I can make this way work, this is my perferred way so I don't have to 'hide' the surface)

hope this helps
Ok, here is what I tried and the result:

I selected the surfaces that I want to offset (there are two where arcs intersect). Then I copied that surface. Then I used the move surface tool to offset it from the original feature. Then I created a cut using the datum plane above it as the sketching plane and I tried to use extrude to selected surface. I selected the new surface (but it will only select one of the two that I need at a time). It says it can't create the feature. What am I missing here??

>>hmm i think that you used catia before you start using proe

Nope. I've never even seen catia but I'd like to learn it someday!
Would a projected datum curve onto a surface offset from the convex side of the banana and a tweak/offset accomplish the task?
I don't know how well a datum curve would work. On the attached image I don't want the cut to go clear through the 'banana'. I want to leave a thickness on the bottom (from the perspective of the pic) surface.

View attachment 415
If I understand the problem, creat an offset surface, offset to the inside and use it in an up to surface cut.

also you could do the offset surface then create a closed surface representing the cut and cut using quilt

you could create a separate part, as a protrusion that represents what you want to cut out and then do an assembly cut out

Lots of ways to do it..
I think my method of creating an offset surface is wrong. Currently I'm selecting the surfaces I want to offset, copying them, then moving them. Is this correct? When I do this and try to make the cut it says it always fails.

Thanks for your help, please keep the replies coming!
Here is a banana :) Had to use offset surfaces, projected datum curves and boundary surfaces. I thought I could merge the 2 surfaces and create a cut up to the merged surfaces. It did not work. I could have created half of the cut up to one of the surfaces and done the same on the other side. I tried blending the datum curves and Pro/E did not like the curves for blending.

View attachment 414
How exactly did you create the surfaces? Surface Id 64 and Surface Id 84.

This, I believe, is where my trouble is. I'm using WF1 in case I didn't mention it before.
copy the surface then paste it in the same place.

Now do a copy> paste special> check Apply move rotate, (this is like Copy transform in 2001)

Pick an axis, plane or csys to move along and drag the surface where you want it, you can add transforms like rotate and translate to get it where you need it. (Wildfire 2.0)
I think I figured it out. Thanks guys!

Heres an email that I received that helped some as well:

>>What you need to do is copy the surfaces as you had done previously. Then, don't do the move surface. Instead, select the quilt you just created, go to Edit, Offset. Select Standard and the value of the material you want to leave. Then, for your cut, instead of Extruding a Solid Cut, Extrude a Surface. Then select both quilts (the extruded one and the offset one) and select Merge. You should be able to Merge the two into the geometry you want to remove. Next select Edit, Solidify and make it a cut. It should work. Hope this helps.
Kvision, not in Wildfire, but seems like all you would do is move a copy of the surface, not offset it. Surely, I can choose a surface in Wildfire, RMB and choose offset?
I just went through the menu mapper and the answer is:

Wildfire 2.0 : Edit > Offset

2001 : Feature > Create > Surface > New > Offset

The new offset tool combines eight features to one feature and incorporates Object-Action capability to provide ease-of-use and intuitive feature creation. This tool can be used on both surfaces and curves. Users can quickly create the desired feature by interacting with drag handles and dynamic preview or by interacting with the dashboard. The features that have been consolidated are Offset Curve, From curve, Offset from surface (curve), From Boundary, Surface Offset, Tweak Offset, Draft Offset, Area Offset, Tweak Replace.

