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Error when using mechanica in assembly with contact regions


New member
I'm doing an analysis on an assembly that involves 6 parts. The load is axial and only applies directly to three of them. The other 3 are rings which secure the assembly. When I run the analysis I continue to get an error that say the contact regions create a crack region. Is there anyway to get around this? I can provide the files if anyone has any ideas.

View attachment 137
I think you don't need the rings for the analysis. If the force is axial, there is no force on the ring. Taking them off helps perhaps.

I also have a problem with contact creating crack between volumes, but didn't found whats wrong.
willblatt said:
I'm doing an analysis on an assembly that involves 6 parts. The load is axial and only applies directly to three of them. The other 3 are rings which secure the assembly. When I run the analysis I continue to get an error that say the contact regions create a crack region. Is there anyway to get around this? I can provide the files if anyone has any ideas.

This is HUYNHT98 post:

I have an assembly that has 4 parts and I used Ansys Workbench it worked fine. Then I ran the same Assembly with the same constraints & loads in ProMechanica then I have the error that say the contact regions create a crack between 2 volumes. Then I add more contacts to around adjacent chamfers and rounds then It takes care the crack regions between 2 volumes but it did notrun in ProMechanica for long. It tells me that I have a Fatal Errors and It never passes the pass # 1in ProMechanica. I think everyone has problem with contact analysis in ProMechanica.
View attachment 545
Edited by: huynht98
Ihave an assembly that has 4 parts and I used Ansys Workbench it worked fine. Then I ran the same Assembly with the same constraints & loads in ProMechanica then I have the error that say the contact regions create a crack between 2 volumes. Then I add more contacts to around adjacent chamfers and rounds then It takes care the crack regions between 2 volumes but it did notrun in ProMechanica for long. It tells me thatI have a Fatal Errors and It never pass the pass # 1 in ProMechanica. I think everyone has problem with contact analysis in ProMechanica.

Edited by: huynht98


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