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Dxf to Solid Woks


New member
I'm trying to import a dxf file to Solid Works. I can get it to show up in the Solid Works sketcher but it's about 1/10 the size it should be. How can I import it to the correct size? Or can I scale it to the correct size?

Here is the method I use (my notes):

Choose face or plane where dxf will be placed.

Choose "insert"/dxf/dwg....

Browse to proper drawing...

Must be a Wblocked dxf (AutoCAD 2007LT)

Click finish.

I have done this many times and this is the first time I've had trouble with it.

Any ideas?
First, check, in AUTOCAD, if the dxf file is ok. Make a measurement in AUTOCAD and be sure that the measure is what you espect.

!!!!! NOT only look at the dimensions in AUTOCAD. Perform a NEW measurement and delete it after you check the result.

Good luck !

Edited by: Mihail
I drew the original dxf myself. The dimensions are correct. I don't believe the file to be corrupt. I have resaved it as different names and tryied to import again.
I figured it out. When I imported this dxf, I hit "Finish". On this one I had to hit "Next" And change the MM/Inches setting. I feel like a..............

