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Drafting a Non-planar or tabulated cylinder


New member
I'm having problems drafting a copied surface. The error I get is Selected surface must be a plane or tabulated cylinder. So what would be the best way to apply a draft to this type of surface.

Is there a way to apply darft without using a cut command?

View attachment 107

Thanks for reading and replying.
You probably need to break up the curves that are used to define the surfaces you are trying to draft. It needs to have tabulated sections, ie. a patchwork surface. You curves for the blended surface should have multiple segments.
I think I see the surface that is non-draftable. Looks like a cut would have to be used. Your drafts should come before rounds unless design specifies otherwise.
Thanks for the replies,

I tried rcamp's suggestion by breaking up the surface into tabulated sections. But when I tried to draft them it wouldn't allow it.

I know that I can use a cut to acheive the draft. BUT this isn't from the using the draft command. I'm not trying to just add draft to this part. What I'm really after is a method to use when using the draft command on single non-planar or tabulated surfaces. This part is just an example to illustrate an issue that I get confronted with when working with imported geometry that I have no control ( authorization) to modify.

I'm trying to reduce feature count. If I wanted to apply different draft on different sections then I would have to use multiple cut features. Are there any other methods to apply draft on these types of sections.

Thanks again for your suggestions
Drafting complex surfaces or import geometry is just impossible. Make use of a variable section sweep with a pivot direction to the mould opening plane.

What direction should it be drafted? And how many degrees?

Here's a pic to my version. (How to upload a zip?!?)

View attachment 352

And don't make boundary surfaces as you can simply extrude them!

These type of surfaces are a real problem. Sometimes I get them on round holes when exporting of of IDEAS. I have had to resolve on these by actually make a revolve cut on time of them. Not at all efficient. Sometimes I have been able to resolve it by using a different translator or translator setting (STEP instead of IGES, change an export parameter for surface type, etc).

We should submit an enhancement request for ProE to deal with this type of surface for draft.

