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Lately I have done some DMU models. It were allmerge solid ones(Save as > Shrinkwrap). Most of them were generated from assemblies which consist of about 40 components. It quick occured that not all of DMU were generated properly. The most common error was that dmu was solid but as shell(not filled inside). While trying tosolve this problem I noticed some things which can cause such a problems, they could be:

*self interfering of components

*components which are mated face to face

But I am sure that these are not all or maybe eventhey are not generating problems but something else. So I what to ask You(all) what could cause a DMU failed?
hi muadib3d.Please canyou explain what is DMU model?.. but If you will have not free time to explain it than I understand you.
well DMU is a shortcut of Digital Mock - up.

Ok. Let`s go further."The termMock up describes a physical protoype or a model with the completeness and feasiblity of building the product can be assesed and guaranteed. Didgital Mock-up describes a computer based description of product that is used throughout the entire development process"(source: International Adams Users Conf 1999 - Integration of Digital Mock -up and Multibody Simulation..)

Ok in real life DMU is simplified version of assembly. It is like skin from assembly than filled as solid. DMU is created from File > Save as >Shrinkwrap > Merged Solid.

It is used in any kind of simulation for example in virtual track or car.


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