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DIM question.

how do you make the "jog" when dimensions are to close?

when i drag a ordinate dimension it drags the lot.. i'd rather just be able to move the 1 dim which is hard to read :)
Do you mean if they can be moved vertically? If so ..yes its possible but all at once andonly by picking the baseline origin and moving it.
yeah thats what i meant.. yes vertically, but i dont want to move them
all at once.. i prefer one at a time. i am yet to find a way to do
this...? is it not possible?

if so that sucks... damm it i bet autocad can do it.
I tried to do this one luck (or not enough knowledge). What i manage to do though is to move the dim above the witness line using a jog
no' apai mai VR fa tu mai intai cotarea in mod normal si dupa aia zici "ordinate"

Ii musai sa-ti iasa !

Alles Gute !?!

how can i change the dimension into DIN.
can you please explain to me in detail..because i am really new in this.
thank you


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