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design table


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how to create design table.

first a fall i am create this it will open excel file.

and also edit the value ok

problem is how to open this table value objects . so help me
U have to associate the Columns or rows from your xls file with parameters from your part.
in Online Documentation is a detailed example
design table is nothing but. we display our diagrams' details like length, diameter, no of lines..
so we shall create it after completing diagram session.
steps to create design table
1. compleet your diagram that design table icon. if it is unvisible. just type c:knowledge and he nyou will get a toll bar. in that there is option to create design table. will ask you wether the table is new or existing have to choose new one. will ask you parameters you want.. have to select the parameters
7.choose output file destination
the design table will be created. in-between those steps you have to select wether the designtable is arrangedin vertical or horizontal... basically we shuold choose vertical. because there is no excel is in your computer the designtable is created as notepad file. so you just choose vertical..


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