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Design Table in Assembly workbench


New member
Hi all

i want to create design table in assembly workbench and manage the parts in the assembly with use of design table. ( each of the assembly parts also contain a design table)....

are there any one who help me in this problem ???
Salam Mehdi
You can create "skeleton" part in assembly design environment.
The skeleton part is a part which all other parts are constrainted to it. All the parameters which you want to control them should be defined in skeleton part and then create a design table related to skeleton parameters.
Kindest regards
Salam Mahmood

In ProE there is "skeleton" partis usedin assembly for referancingto part for assembling.

Is there any concept of"skeleton" part in CATIA V5.

If you have any information about

How to create "skeleton model" part in CATIA V5 ?(I have also asked this quary on CATIA foroum)

Please inform me on my mail

My mail [email protected]




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