Please help me!!
I've made a gear in pro e 200oi,now I'm using wild fire 2. The dependent curves that I've made in 2000i becomes independent.
I/ve made a involute curve and then I've made copies of it(dependent).Trying the same tehnique in wildfire2 let me without words.The curves are not dependent(the option i've used for creating a copy .. edit->feature operation->copy and from here is the same...) but when i modify the first parameters the new ones won't modify.Also I've made a feature analisys(angle between a curve and a plane,modifiing the dimensino of the curve sould modify the angle and sould modify the copied curves,but also nothing change(the copied curves are copied whit an angle between them: alfa=angle:fid_measure+15) Alfa sould increes or decrees depending of the analysis made up but againg nothing happends....
What souldI do?
Excuse my english
I've made a gear in pro e 200oi,now I'm using wild fire 2. The dependent curves that I've made in 2000i becomes independent.
I/ve made a involute curve and then I've made copies of it(dependent).Trying the same tehnique in wildfire2 let me without words.The curves are not dependent(the option i've used for creating a copy .. edit->feature operation->copy and from here is the same...) but when i modify the first parameters the new ones won't modify.Also I've made a feature analisys(angle between a curve and a plane,modifiing the dimensino of the curve sould modify the angle and sould modify the copied curves,but also nothing change(the copied curves are copied whit an angle between them: alfa=angle:fid_measure+15) Alfa sould increes or decrees depending of the analysis made up but againg nothing happends....
What souldI do?
Excuse my english