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Deleting models of the Merged drawing.


New member
Hello all,

How do I break the association between the models of a Merged drawing and the drawing I am creating?

I used only some drafting features from the Merged drawing not the models.

However it seems that the models are sticky and I am not able to delete them. I am using proe 2001.


Do you have any views or parameter in note somewhere you are using from the model you are trying to get rid of?

ProE won't let you delete the model if you are using it.

Good luck

Thanks charleskim !

Here's the Solution to my problem:

When I Merged the drawings I removed unneeded sheets, but I could not delete the models brought in by the drawing. No views of the merged models were visible on my drawing.

Solution: Click on Resume Views, the offending views pop up on the screen.

Delete the views and then Delete the Merged model(s)and Save.

Now the drawing is clean.




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