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Deleting Instances in Commnspace

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When I attempt to delete 30 instances of an upper level assembly model in Commonspace, Intralink wants to also delete what appear to be the 30 generics that these instances

are referenced to.

Why is this? Is this intended functionalty? If so, any workarounds?


Brad Hacker

ME CAD Admin

Zebra Technologies Corp.
Check out your generic to a workspace and open in Pro/E. Delete all the instances you no longer require from the family table. Check back in to Commonspace. Now do a search for parts you wish to delete, but bear in mind that some generics may or may not have all the instances you wish to delete, depending on how the individual instances were added, i.e. were they all added at the same time, or were they added over a period of time and checked in. So you have to be careful that you really have removed all trace of what you don't require anymore. When you delete an instance from Commonspace you delete everything that goes with it - all the other instances and the generic, that is why you first have to carry out the task that I first mentioned. The latest version in Commonspace will have no relationship to any of the instances and so will not be deleted. I hope this makes sense.

Thanks for the response.

I've done some more digging and have the following to report. Tell me if this can even be done...I starting to think it can't.

The assembly started life as a non-family table item through its first 42 checkins to CS.

The 43 checkin marked its family table beginning with the instance that we are trying to get rid of. This continued for the next 30 checkins, hence the 30 instances wanting to take the 30 generics with them.

The 73 checkin of this gets rid of the family table instance I want to delete and adds a new family table member which is where it stands today.

You state When you delete an instance from Commonspace you delete everything that goes with it - all the other instances and the generic... is this intended functionality? If so, is it just me or does this not make sense to others as well?

It sounds like Intralink is saying, in essence, we'll let you delete these children but were taking their parents with them.

This is contrary to my understadning of p/c relationships.

Brad Hacker

ME CAD Admin

Zebra Technologies Corp.
Hi Brad,

It sounds like Intralink is saying, in essence, we'll let you delete these children but were taking their parents with them.

Yes, that's right, since the instance cannot exist without its generic parent. One thing you can do however, is break its relationship with the generic in the following way:

Open up the instance in Pro/E. With this you have also opened its parent generic. Go into the family table of the generic and delete the instance row. Upon saving you will be informed that the instance is no longer table driven, i.e. standalone. If you have a drawing with that instance, make sure that is also open in Pro/E at the time of carrying this out. Make sure you save everything otherwise the drawing will still think it needs to open the generic in order to access the instance. You can now check this instance into Commonspace and it will not have any relationship to the generic. But earlier versions will still be related to the generic. Deleting the newest version (what was the old instance) will not affect the newest generic (what it was related to) since it has no relationship to it any more.

Best regards Phil
Hey Phil,

OK, I opened the instance first then the generic and then deleted the row and got the following, as expected, prior ro saving:

WARNING: Instance is not table driven anymore.

Refresh of the WS shows nothing as modified so I saved the

generic - makes sense. WS now shows generic as modified. No drawings are involved so we'll forget about that.

However, I can't check in the instance because it now does not even show in my WS. So I go to the instance in Pro and try to save it. I get the following:

Conflicts detected.

This object is out of date with the current workspace frame.

Push OK to continue or Cancel to abort this operation.

I click OK and it saves.

Back to the WS to refresh and now the instance shows as a new item with same name exists, of course, but it's a

standalone assembly model now.

If I check this in, what does it buy me? I would simply need to delete this one as well without having been able to delete at least one of the 30 instaances in CS I want to delete in the first place.

Am I doing something wrong here, missing the boat on something or is there just no way to do this or at least no

way to do it in a somewhat automated manner?

Thanks again for all your help,


No, you're not doing anything wrong, I was just trying to show you how you can break the relationships between instances and generics. You said that when you saved the generic the first time, the instance didn't shown in your Workspace. This is right since you deleted it from your generic. To check this generic in to Commonspace and then search for all versions of the instance and delete them would then not affect your latest generic. This is the only way to get rid of an instance without getting rid of all the generics.

Best regards Phil
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