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Default Units

Lucky Bob

New member
It seems I set the default units to MKS (meter, kilogram, seconds) for physics, but want inch, pound, second for design (designing in metric drives me nuts.)

Anybody know how to change the default for that, so that I don't have to reinstall SW, or change every new document's properties?
NOpe you have to change the settings in a part assembly or drawing and 'save as' template and then give it a unique file name. put the files in instalation drive\Program Files\SolidWorks\data\templates\

You can also set this as the default templates used in the tools-options-default templates and you can add template locations in tools-options-file locations....

Hope that helps

Don't forget you can also type in the units while modifying dimensions. So if you're in a metric part, but you want something to be 4 inches, you don't have to waste time doing an exact conversion, just type "4in" and it will convert to mm (or m, or whatever) for you.

