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Default text for Detail & Xsec Views


New member
hi there

i am trying to set up company stds for drawings/ formats/ configs/ etc

does anyone know which option sets the text height/font/format for detail and xsec view notes.

Iwant to have the entire note ie "DETAIL A" or "SECTION X-X" to be the same font and hieght whereas the Pro/E default has the texts "DETAIL" & "SECTION" as the default font size set in the .dtl and the "A" & "X-X" is larger.

i've spent too long looking through the help files and got nowhere
so i'm hopiing someone here will know.

thanks in advance

Dave R
jeff4136 - that worked fine many thanks

arroyopr - thanks for the reply but that option is for when you don't want to use Pro/Table

How to automatically add the notes "Section" and "Detail" to the pro/e's default text "A-A"? Is there any option or do I always have to manually edit the note in the editor?
Another question regarding to text for detailed and xsec views:
Is there an option, and where to change xsec name (well not name of section, for example A, or B or something), to change thatinstead "section"is displayed"Presjek" (my goal is to try to translate to my language section, for now I must enter in note section and change it there so it is a lot of work to do when changing names of sections and detailed views).
Why change xsec name?, Well Simply because some companies wants to be written in Croatian instead in English (because workers don't understand English etc. etc.)


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