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Decimal places and inch equivalents


New member
I'm new to proE- just started on it a few weeks ago.

Anyway, my dimensions are not showing two decimal places even though my dimensioning settings are set to show two dimenions. Everyone in my office looked at it and didn't know why it was doing this.

I was also needing to know how to get the inch equivalent of my metric dimensions to display.
In wildfire 2.0

For the inch display, you need to right-click on the drawing backround & click Properties, then choose drawing options. Scroll down to the dual_dimensioning & set to primary(secondary).

For the decimal display, scroll down further to lead_trail_zeros & set to both - if you want leading zeros (eg 0.5 instead of .5) set to both(std_metric).

I don.t understand very well your requests: please try to show me a sample of a dimension: how is now and how should be>

I think as first think the reply from robertib is right.

I am working with ProE2001 but I what to understand and mayby to learn something new .


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