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Data sharing


New member
Hi, what is the actual use of data sharing? I want to do some modifications in a part file which was modeled in CATIA. It is IGES file can I use Data sharing for that?

Thanks for replying

You won't be able to make modifications to an IGES file. It will come into Pro/E as reference only.
You can copy and reference the IGES data but can't make modifications to it. If you manage to bring the IGES data in as a solid, you can sculpt & build features on it suchs as cuts and protrusions. These are functionalities available to you in the Pro/E environment, whether that is the best thing to do is another matter entirely. (start disclaimer) Care should be taken when using imported geometry because it is not parametric (end disclaimer).
Thanks mgnt8 for the help. I copied thegeometry of the model, the result was a surface body. I used that surfaces for creating new body and then hided out. Is it the only way to work out with imported models? Is there any other method in Pro/e for that?I also tried to copy some sketches from Autocad file as that was the input given to us. but over there also i was unable to do the changes. I think PTC people should do something in this field,so that one can easily edit the imported datas(either drawing/model).

You can import the external data and use it to reference. Let's say you thought the first feature was a protrusion. Create a protrusion, while in sketcher select edges of the import feature to define your protrusion, then in your references window, delete all references to the imported feature. You will then have to select your sketching references if there are none and dimension your protrusion. Make sure you have no references to the imported feature. When you are done modeling, delete the import feature if no longer needed.
No you can't. Data Sharing will bring you the references but it will not allow you to make modifications such as changing the shape or size. For that you'll have to use Feature Operations such as Extrude, Revolve, Solidify, etc. This is just the way its is with CAD. You get 31 flavors just like at the ice cream shop but not many of them taste good together.
thanks again for the reply.Actually I all I wanted to know about the DATASHARING and its use.I think so PTC people should try something in this field.So that the editing of imported datas become easy.whats your thought about that "mgnt8".


