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Cycling windows?


New member

I would like to know if there is a way to cycle windows in SW. In many
document based applications that I use, Ctl-~ will flip sequentially through
all open documents. I find this much faster than going up to a menu and
pulling down to the document that I want, or, worse yet, when there are a lot
of windows open, needing to choose "More Windows...", etc. The added
benefit is that if the file names are at all ambiguous, flipping through the
windows gives visual feedback, and I don't need to depend on the file
names. So, is there any way to implement a "Next Window" command by
keyboard short-cut that anyone is aware of?
In Windows, alt-tab will flip you thru the open windows. In most programs, Ctrl-tab will flip you thru the open documents in that program. SolidWorks is the same way.

Sorry, but I never heard of Ctrl-~ before, and it doesn't seem to do anything for me.

Smoky Rick
Ack! That's what it is! For some reason I got it in my head that it was the
tilde key (just above the tab key), but no! It's the tab key! Ctrl-Tab! Thank
you very much!!
Part of the reason why I was wanting to simply cycle through the windows
is that we have a required naming scheme for files where I work that is
not descriptive:

Pull down the Window menu to switch files...

"Was it 20233466 or 20234351 that I was working on?"

So, have the ability to just cycle through the open documents to see the
file, rather than just the name, is quite valuable.

(I know some people here who choose to tile the windows, then maximize
the one they want, but that starts to break down if you've got more than
half a dozen, or so, windows open.)

