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Copy surfaces


New member
In an assembly,I would like tocopy/paste surfaces of a part A into a part B to recreate the mating conditions and base my design on those surfaces.Sometimes the operation works well and other times, Pro/E specify that I need the PRO/Assemblymodule to do so and it blocks the functionality.

Is it a known bug? DoI really need the AAX module to create operation such as component operation/cutout or merge and copy/paste part's surfaces.

Thanks for your help.
> Do I really need the AAX module to
> create operation such as component
> operation/cutout or merge and
> copy/paste part's surfaces.


> Sometimes the operation works well
> and other times ...

I don't really know what might be preventing the
operation from processing except to note that Pro/E
is really sensitive to context; e.g. if you have
selected a feature vs. a face it might allow or
not allow an operation. Pay close attention to
what the object in focus really is. Other than that
all I can suggest is shutting down and restarting if
something seems to be not working as it should. I've
seen Pro/E get it's panties in a wad and refuse
perfectly legit operations until restarted (or
maybe occasionally a complete regen?).

I also get that "try before you buy AAX" message a lot,
but just ignore it. Not sure if it's meaningful all
the time or just a goof. I just keep on doin' what
I'm doin'.

added thought:
This still gets me from time to time. When doing a
copy / paste operation, make sure that the copyied item
(or any item) is not still selected (click on a blank
area of the graphics screen or model tree) before trying
to paste. It won't let you.

Edited by: jeff4136
First, thanks for your help. Desesperatly, I try all your tricks and it didn't works.

I asked our PTC vendor to pass us one AAX licence for a month to test the functionnality with it. With AAX, I found than the problematic part has a reference control set to skeleton model instead of all (geometry).

How can this be possible? Ihave created this assembly without permission to insert skeleton model( only available with AAX)ormodifying the reference controls of this part.

Is there a way to change the reference controls of a part or assembly without using the AAX module? PRO/E has liberallymodified these settings and now it's impossible to create external reference featurefor this assemblywithout having AAX. I don't want pay 7000$ for a PRO/E bug!!!

Please help me.
I'm gonna guess that I changed a config option controlling external reference scope. I did all this when I was learning Pro/E and am not sure now which it might be (if, in fact, that's what it is).

"I found that the problematic part has a reference control set to skeleton model...". I wasn't aware that you could "modify the reference controls" of a part (?).

Is it just this one part that you cannot copy geometry from or to? Is this part a "skeleton part". You shouldn't be able to create one without AAX (?).

Maybe we need to back up and be more specific about what we are trying to do and how we are trying to do it. Can you post or email any of this data? Can you send it to PTC support?
"I wasn't aware that you could "modify the reference controls" of a part (?). " This functionnality have been unlocked by the AAx licence. You cannot view the reference control of a part or an assembly with the Standard licence.

"Is it just this one part that you cannot copy geometry from or to?".... I cannot copy geometry for a specific part and every new part added into this assembly.

Is this part a "skeleton part". Desesperatly, not! But my part has the same reference controlthan a skeleton model. That's why I'm soo

I already post those files/problem toPTC support but they seam less competent that me with this functionality. They didn't know why it doesn't work! They closed the call because an other AAX functionality generate the same kind of feature. And,as the PTC vendor, they want us to buy the AAX module!
I'm out of my depth here.

If you don't intend to buy AAX, I'd be wary of having the trial version on my system if it can toggle values that can't be toggled back without it. I don't know how PTC is about this but I've seen such things on other systems act just like a virus.

I don't know what else to suggest other than looking at config options. Use the Find tool within the dialog and search for anything with "scope" or "ref" or ? I'm pretty sure there are options that can be set to limit external reference scope and these may be responsible for what you are seeing (?). Sorry, more questions than answers... I should probably just leave it someone that "knows".

Can you post the "one part" and the assembly file (all other parts deleted)? Or if you have access to more than one Pro/E installation; does it act the same?
Hey, thank you so much for your hint concerning the

I added this to the and it solve my problem:
Default_comp_scope_setting = all<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
Default_comp_geom_scope = all

For the part with the wrong reference control, it's still impossible to copy/paste geometry. But, for new inserted part, I can do this kind of feature without problem.
if i active asm, i can copy geom,but if i active part,i can't copy, i think it's the same problem.
you should purchse the advanced assembly option! Don't think I could live with out that. It would be like useing some old version of solidworks or being in the dark ages.
Jeff- why do you think you can't create a skeleton part without AAX? Why don't you disable your and see if you still have problems. You really shouldn't have any problem at all copying the surfaces of one component into another one.

1) Make sure your target part is active;

2) Make sure you only select surfaces of one component at once to copy into your target part. You cannot copy surfaces of more than one component at once. You would need to create another feature;

3) Be careful with geometry update: Pro/ENGINEER will not automatically update the copied surfaces unless the parent assembly is in session: it will not pull top-level assembly into session and if you look at the Parent/Child list of the feature you will see that it says 'missing references' even though the feature isn't failing.

This must be a slow day thread. Dead for two years and ...

Bart said:
"you should purchse the advanced assembly option!
Don't think I could live with out that."

Your sales genes are showing, Bart.

Paul said:
"Jeff - why do you think you can't create a skeleton part without AAX?"

You need AAX to create or modify a SKELeton part. You don't need it to place
or reference a SKEL part. (Not to be confused with 'master model' techniques
which can be employed without AAX.)

- - - -

Reading back thru the discussion it appears that JET47 had some global
reference scope problems which were rectified by setting appropriate
config options leaving him with a few files that had scope settings
'embedded' which is something I'm still unfamiliar with.

Jeff (without AAX and doin' just fine, thank you)

I'm still not sure why you need AAX to create a skeleton part. Why don't you create a new (empty) part into your assembly and use this as your skeleton? I was unable to find the option to 'create a skeleton part' other than by creating a normal part and default placing it in an asembly. I could then pass top-level features like datums on to the part.

What method are you using to create your skeleton parts Jeff?
Hi, Phil.

What you are describing goes by the commonly accepted
monicker; "master model". Sometimes I forgo the 'master
part' and simply put the global features in the top level
assembly where they can be referenced by assembly components.

For information on "Skeleton Models" see
..Advanced Assembly Extension
...Advanced Components
....Skeleton Models

