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Copy from Other Drawing


New member
Currently using WF2, before I was on 2001.

Menu mapper says that I should be able to find copy from other drawing under the menu "edit, copy" well that just isn't happening. I go to the edit menu and all options are grayed out.

Anyone know why this may be so? I briefly looked for config option but gave up pretty quick so I may have over looked something.

Any help would be appreciated.

Sorry, but the ideal is to copy items from another drawing to the current drawing that you presently have open. Therefore, you would not be selecting the items within that drawing, thus with nothing selected than you get no edit, copy.

Previous operation in 2001, go to edit, copy from other drawing, file open dialogue box would appear, select drawing to copy from, drawing would open, then select items and when clicking done you would be back to your current drawing. Nice feature for notes, symbols, tables, etc.

Anyone know why this will not work with drawing symbols? I have a symbol in 1 drawing that I can copy, but I cannot paste it in the other drawing (it is greyed out)? I cannot find where the sybol is stored and so I cannot just insert_symbol either.
You can save the symbol to disk from the first drawing to make it available in the second drawing. It will automatically save where your Pro/E is configured to find symbols so you will have no problem finding it for use in other drawings.
Further explanation:

To copy note, etc. from other drawing into present drawing:

- Open the drawing you want to copy things from.

- Mark all items (i.e box it in)

- when they highlights in red, press ctrl+c (windows function for copy)

- now, go into the present drawing and press ctrl+v (windows paste)

Voila! A new window comes up and ask for selecting a reference point (as pro2001i2 did). select a reference point

- select where you would like to place it in current drawing.

I have copied symbols with this method and it works just fine for me. Just make sure you select it and turned red before copying.

Too old to make comments on? Maybe it still helps some :)



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