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coordinates of a point


New member
hi to all,

someone can tell me how can I know the coordinates of a daturm point created for example as intersection of two curves? How can I create a daturm point with known coordinates?



there is not a direct way to place a point with x,y,z parameters.

Create three planes in purpose to use the three surfaces option to create a datum point.

if you want to create a curve that passes through a number of points you can write the x,y,z, parameters to a *.tbl file and create a curve from this file.

hope this helps


there is not a direct way to place a point with x,y,z parameters.

Create three planes in purpose to use the three surfaces option to create a datum point.

if you want to create a curve that passes through a number of points you can write the x,y,z, parameters to a *.tbl file and create a curve from this file.

hope this helps

you could create a datum point using offset from coordinate system and enter x,y,z cordinates.

if you have an existing point on a curve you can measure the distance from a coordinate system to the point or visa versa and use the coordinate system as your projectiona plane. This will give you xyz coodinates. Further you can save this as a analsys feature and extract the xyz parameters.

Hope this helps

