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Hi everyone

The question i am about to ask is probaly really easy for all of you that are admin's.

But since i have been thrown into this I'm still learning.

What i need to know is how do i get pro (2001) to load a default config file first then personal config files. I need to set this up to load some company standards. It is frustrating me that i must go around to everyones box to do this.

Set up a batch file to copy new '' into their 'proe\text' folder.

Then send email to users to run the batch file.
Are you using Intralink?

ProE can load more than one files during startup. ProE load:

1. and config.sup in pro\text folder

2. in windows user home folder normal it is \documents and settings\username\dockuments

3. ProE working dir.

The different between and config.sup is that if you have a
setting in config.sup then a setting can not overwrite the
setting from config.sup.

Put the company settings:

-that no one must change in config.sup in folder proe\text

-that user must change in personal in folder proe\text

User personal settings in in working dir.

As charleskim explain the use at batch file to copy the companys config
files. Change all workstation to use this batch file to start proE
/Ilink. The config files will be copy everytime user start ProE. The it
will be easy for you to manage changes in config files. Just change the
origin config file.

The best solution is to have all software install on a fileserver. All
you need is a shurtcut on the workstations (no local installation is
needed). You just have to set some environments in the batch script. I
would recoment a 100Mbit Lan.
This is what you can use if you don't have ilink.

To upload updated company configs to the client machine this line must be added to the first line of the proe*.bat

xcopy \fullpath-on-common-file-server\config.* C:\Progra~1\proe2001\text\* /Y /D

"config.*" selects both config.sup and
"C:\Progra~1\proe2001\text\*" is the path to the destination.
"/Y" suppresses prompting to overwrite an existing file.
"/D" copies only changed files (newer ones)

This will only copy over the configs if they are newer than what exists on the client. The only drawback is that you sometimes need to add this line whenever you update your proe version.

This will save you the trouble of sending out a batch file and relying on people to run it. It only takes a split second if the files don't need updating.

Just be sure that you have these files on a "read only" share.
jnoval said:
The best solution is to have all software install on a fileserver. All you need is a shurtcut on the workstations (no local installation is needed). You just have to set some environments in the batch script. I would recoment a 100Mbit Lan.

If set up like this, does Pro/E then run on the server or the client?
I've been thinking of thissince our installation now exceeds 30 clients but I'm not sure how powerful server this requires.
The software runs on the client. This is how I have our Pro/E installed. The only things you have to do to setup a new machinge are:
  1. Mount the server drive (must use the same drive letter for everyone!)
  2. Add an shortcut on the desktop to the startup batch file.
  3. Add the path to the Pro/E executable to the users PATH environment variable.
This lets you control everyones Pro/E fom a single administration point. The only downside is the slightly longer time to startup. Gigabit ethernet would eliminate that.
If you set the environment in the startup batch file, you no not need
to add path on users local workstation. Make your own startup batch
file. Do not use the one from proE installation because it is been
change when you install a new build. In your start bath file start proe
start bath file (ex. proewildfire.bat)

The server is only 1000MHz with 1GB ram running as fileserver for Proe
software and proE-standard-files, and Intralink 3.3. We are 8 users. I
see no performance problems on the server. It is not using much CPU

We had in some month problems with a switch so some of the users had
only 10Mbit Lan, other a poor performance on 100Mbit. The switch has
just bee change and reconfigure. Every one is now on 100Mbit, and The
users and the cad-server is now on the same switch, it is better. In
some week we will get a new server and we are guwing to have 1Gbit Lan
between server and switch. The reason why we change server is because
it is more than 3 years old, and our IT policy is to change every 3

You can do a simple test to see if your LAN is ok. Install software on
the share, and see how long time it take to start ProE. I am sure you
will be surprice how small the different is between a local and a share

It look like ProE is only using more time on startup, and not on running.

As I see it you only need 100Mbit Lan to the workstations.

FYI: We are using windows 2000 on server and on workstation.

