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Coincident Nodes Error Message


New member
Can anyone explain this error message to me? I get it when I try to mesh a part I made. The part is nothing complicated, just a box really. <?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

"Detected coincident nodes near the markers on the highlighted curves"

The message comes up, and I hit "OK" and it keeps comming up over and over again.
Even i came across this error. i feel it is because of improper modeling. I donn whether i solved the problem in a proper way . I went back andi tried to create the part again, byreducing the no. of edges clustered at that particular point then i didnt get that error.

In my problem i got the error near the intersection of aa rectagular hollowboxand a hollowtrapezoid. where the edges didnt intersect exactly. when i applied exact constrains so that the edges of the trapezoid coincided with the edges of the rectangle, then i didnt get the error.

Am i right. please correct me, if i am wrong in what i detected.




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