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Hi there,

Can anyone tell me how to show the CofG for a component or assembly in a drawing and whether it is possible to attach a symbol to that point eg; target symbol.

Max Weston.
hi from au

in the assembly

-> insert a new analysis feature.

type model analysis -> assembly mass properties-> compute ->close

then cycle through the options till u see show "co ordiante sys" and "point cog"

once u have ur point and co sys, can do as u wish.

put up some datum planes over the co-sys. or simply show it in a drawing.

Edited by: puppet
Hi there

Many thanks for your reply, in the 11 years of using Pro/E I have never had the need to do this


I've come across an alternative set of parameters which do the same job:




(You can find them by searching the Fundamentals section of Pro/E help).

Have these parameters been added to Wildfire 2.0? I tried using the other functions (e.g. <tt>mp_cg_x("","CS0","")) but they wouldn't work.



is there a way to run a anaylsis via mechanism ? or such to see if something will tip over? (topple happy).?

from memory if u drop a vertical line from the COG and as long as its withing the base structure then ur safe? is that correct?
"from memory if u drop a vertical line from the COG and as long as its withing the base structure then ur safe? is that correct?"

After making a whole bunch of assumptions, yes.

Some of the assumptions include, but are not limited to:

1) Is the assembly in question allowed to slide? Can whatever force you are using to tip it over break the slide stops?

2) Can the structure making the base support the load? Remember, the load is not just the weight, but the vector sum of the weight and whatever force you are using to to tip the assembly over.


In completely simple terms, keeping the line of action of the weight supported by the base will keep it from tipping over, but you won't find any responsible person telling you that it is "safe".

Sorry if this sounds like lecturing.

Paul Podbielski

[email protected]
following on from trailbarge, i agree, if the cofg lies within the footprint the item will not just "fall over" but this doesn't make it "safe".

So those boys down at the standards agency(ies) have come up with simple tests to ensure machine stability. We typically produce machines for the US market and hence work to the UL approval scheme.

According to them for a machine to be considered stable it must be rested on a 10 degree slope and then have a certain force applied (horizontally?) at a certain height (or top of the machine which ever is lower). This procedure is the repeated in all directions, and if the machine still stands then in it classed as being "stable".

But please, look up the specifics for whichever set of standards you work to.

hope this helps.


when i said "Safe" all i am worried about for this app is for it to tip
over of its own accord. :) When just sitting there.

we all know there are many external factors that are also involved. but i think this is getting very side tracked.

but thanks for the interest.
Hi there,

My original posting at the top of the page asked a question that was answered by puppet almost imediately after it was posted. I have read all the following postings with interest and as puppet said the discussion has gotten side tracked.

I am not complaining that we have gotten a little side tracked, in fact I think that this is exactly what this forum is for but maybe another posting should have been initiated to discuss the side issues which by the way are very interesting.

Thankyou everyone for your input.

Max Weston.

