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Centerline dimensioning over symmetric part on drawing


New member
A user here wants to apply the dimensioning over a centerline (like that of a revolved section to show diameter) on a *.drw. But this will be applied on a sketched cross-section with holes placed symmetrically over a centerline. Since the other symmetric hole does not appear on the cross-section, he would have no reference for centerline dimensioning.

Is this possible?
You can create a dimension the same way you do for a diameter -

Click on the centreline, then on the item, then again on the centreline.

This will give you the dimension as if there was another hole there...
You cannot create a flat diameter dimension around a centerline in drawing mode! But you can go back into the feature's sketch and create the dimension there. Then show it on the drawing. Or just create a linear dimension on the drawing that represents the diameter.
Sometimes when you want to dimension from a centerline of an arbitrary symmetrical feature, you can sketch a centerline on a datum plane or datum axis. Then you can relate the line to the view.


