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Center lines


New member
G'day from Perth Australia,

I have been using Pro/E for 10 years and have for almost that long been going to suggest to PTC a very simple fix to correct avery small problem so here goes.

When drawings are produced showing centerlines on holes etc, they show at a size that is nominated and set in the file. This setting is normally set to show the centerline extensionvalue relevant to the circle size. If the value is set to say 5mm or 0.25" then all holes show the centerlines extending past the circle buy this value butif the holes vary dramatically in size then youcan spend copious amounts of time modifying these manually to make the drawing look more presentable.

If an option was includedin theconfig pro file to set the size to a % value of the diameter then this problem would be solved, this is how Autodesk take care of the problem in AutoCAD.

Max Weston.
Edited by: maxweston

