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Greetings,<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" />
I have created a catvba macro that is used globally to place certain text on a drawing. However I am having an issue with one of the text strings that includes the degree symbol (
Hi,I am kishore.I am working in CATIA V5.Can you plz help me how you are going to write and link to the CATIA? If you can give the process and platform which require to build the macros and what are the extent of cutomization with in CATIA can be done.
I am very familiar with Pro/E Customization with Pro/Toolkit.I just moved to CATIA.If you can give some guidence for basic customization it will be a great help for me.
Greetings,<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><?:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /><O></O>
myAngle = txtAngle.Text & Strings.ChrW(176)<O></O>
REPLY: Kishore
<O> Most ofthe customization information is provided inthe CATIA Documentation (see attached).</O>
<O></O><O>Other resources such as this website often provide useful information. You simply need to know what to search for on the web. For example, in the past I have searched for information on "CATIA + vba + examples".</O>
<O>Hope this helps !</O>
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