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Catia V5 verses v4


New member
Hello everyone.

I am a Pro-e user with a question. I heard from one of our other plants that uses catia V4 that the new and latest revision (catia V5 for windows) is solidworx with a few adders? can some one conferm/denie this? The other questions are how does v5 interact with v4? is v4 forward compatable with v5? what is the cost of v5? and are the export options exspensive?

thanks for all of your help inadvanced.

From my experiences at my previous job I was a ProE guy (they taught it to us at the university) and I had used some solidworks from time to time..Dassault Systems makes both Catia and Solid works so they look very similar as far as their interface...Catia V5 is much more powerful though depending on the licenses that you get...

V4 is a UNIX based system and V5 can be run on UNIX and I believe the only way to save back to V4 is on a UNIX box I know at my job we could not save back to V4 unless we were on a UNIX workstation...V5 is pretty expensive I'm glad I got the training prior to moving and wish I could find a local CAD job that would let me get back on Catia full time (right now im using stupid keycreator and its horrible)

V4 is backwards intuitive but with a manual you can create basic parts within a couple of hours with a manual. in 3 days I picked up the software and started designing parts. V5 is more like ProE and solidworks and as long as you establish good product structure it has endless capabilities. You can import and export most common file types (iges,step,dxf etc)

Hope that helps
Hi Macdaddy!

I worked with catia V4 for 8 years. After that i worked with catia v5 for 1 year. Now i work with ProE for 2 years.

If you want to buy catia you should buy catia v5. The development of catia v4 is done. For the future there will be no suport for catia v4.

The differenz between ProE and catia V5 is not so big. Both system are feature based and have a history.

If you want to translate data

