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Catia solid model to Pro as a Surface :(


New member
Hi everybody! I revived some Catia files from a client recently and when I opened them in Pro, most of them came in fine, BUT one of them came in as a surface!

and according to the creator, this is a solid Catia V4 file, so what's going on?

I have tried to heal the geometry and solidify etcbut no luck!

also, trying to fix the problem I watched a replay of the Data exchange webcast and it mentioned that the config setting "intf_in_external_accuracy" should be set but again here is the thing! it's not there!

help greatly appriciateed, using WF2.0 m80 and have the intf for catia license


Edited by: james.lynch
Not sure on this James. But here's a question.

Do you have the topobus_enable config option set to Yes? If that option is Yes then the cat II option is enabled by default other wise ProE uses the older pro_cat option for catia import.

Kind Regards,


You had good luck that it was only one part that was not solid. Welcome to the wonderful -not working- world of CAD data exchange.

You said you have tried to heal the geometry. Did you also (automatically) zipped the gaps and tried it again with a bigger gap distance? If so, you know where the problems are. With a bit of luck it areonlysome small area's, generally at some points where different rounds come together.

Now it comes to a nice Pro/Engineer surface modeling challenge to fix these remaining gaps. What an opportunity to make use of all your gathered tutorials and tips!
First try to create some surface rounds over the problem area's with just a minor bigger radius value.
Or cutout the problem area and boundary blend some nice patches in there.
Or maybe you can make use of the edges of the gap to fill it with some nice boundary blends. Maybe they will be tangent too!

Good luck,

Huug.. I can see the problem areas alright, I have tried all the automated ways that I know of.. I suppose I'd better get patching!

anybody know why intf_in_external_accuracy isn't in my

Thanks anyway everybody!
Edited by: james.lynch

If you want, I do alot of import geometry fixing, maybe i could give it a try for you

unless there are confidentiality problems.

Anyway it's free to try just email me

Moroso - thank you kindly for the offer! however I can't accept due to confidentiality restrictions.

thanks anyway!


