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interested in CATIA programming any one can help just to get started and how to step by step guide to do a simple program?

i will appreciate it verry much
Hi There, as far as I know there isn't anything in English except what comes from CATIA its self and that is hard to come by! I have their official CAD, it is four spiral books and that is basic!
The CAM I have come across is the German language, and like most of the German Manual and Text Books it is methodical and thorough!
It is in German but all the icons and menu are in English, it is sold on, go to the German section(it is at bottom) may be a German speaker can help you, this is the book.
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CAD/CAM mit CATIA V5. NC-Programmierung, Postprocessing, Simulation

von Michael Hoffmann, Oliver Hack, und Sven Eickenbergvon Hanser Fachbuchverlag
UNIGRAPHICS CAM is very similar and there isn't even a German book, there is one BOOK, it is in THIA language , I used that as everything was in it was in English!

Edited by: kujirasan

