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can’t split


New member
Has anyone here ever encountered a part that they just couldn't get to split? If so, what steps have you taken to resolve the problem? The part in question was given to me as a .stp file. There are many geom checks, but when you look in the highlighted areas, the problem is not visible. They come from copying surfaces & merging, so I can't see anyway around them. Does anyone have any tips, or suggestions?


You may be able to improve the model by exporting a STEP file in ProE and importing that back into a new ProE file. The translation process can remove some of those tiny errors.

You can also try redefining the import feature and use "Zip gaps."

After that you could try deleting problem surfaces, manually replace them, then merge the surfaces and create a solid. I would try to get a better translation from the source before spending time doing that.

Good luck.
Some things would depend on what version you are using. Earlier versions (2001 and earlier, I beleive) didn't automatically set your accuracy in the ref part.

The accuracy in your ref part and mold assembly should both be set to absolute, and selectfrom part, then select the reference model. WF does this automatically.

Beyond that, most of the time there is an opening somewhere that isn't close with a parting surface.

You may not be selecting all you parting surfaces, or you may be selecting one that you didn't intend to include.

You should be getting the green curves at the split edges. Following them around to see where they are not continuous.

If you are not getting the green curves at the split edges, you probably have a hole/opening that is not closed with a surface.

Sometime I have better results with an imported file if I import it into a start-part file with the accuracy pre-set at higer accuracy. For some reason I have best results at absolute and .01/25.4. If you just open a iges/step file you get Pro/E's lazy-man default of .0012 relative.

Yeah, open loops can be frustrating to locate on your model.

One trick I found worked well when I used Pro/Mold 2001, was to change the background from blended to flat magenta (the colour of the surface quilts) then any open loops/single sided surface edges stood out in the default yellow.

I guess in Wildfire, you may have to change the entity colours as the surface quilts and single sided edges are very similar in colour and hard to least for me.
Thanks guys,

I am certain that there are no holes/gaps in my parting surface. I have tried a range of different accuracies. I am getting the green lines when the split fails, and there are tons of little vertices highlighted in red. I understand that this may be where my problems are, but in most of these places, the surfaces were just copied from the model, and again, there are no gaps......Can a really complicated model just be too much for the software? I've never had this problem before!


Hey guys,

I found that the problem was with the model itself, (STEP file) there were a couple wierd spots where once I got them cleaned up a bit, it worked. The problem was finding the exact spot to fix, as there were many potential problem areas.



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