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Breaking the dimension lines and the axis


New member
Hi All,

I am having a problem in breaking the dimension lines and the axis in wildfire2. But in 2001 if we click on the dimension and do a right click. Then there was a commad called break. But i don't find that in Wildfire2. Is there any way to that in wildfire.

Thanks in advance.

Two ways you can do this;

Customize your tool bar to add the icon "insert break" or through the "insert" menu select break,

Once icon or break is selected it will ask you to pick a witness line to break, you can make simple or parametric, then you'llselect the witness line with left mouse button, this first pick will be the beginning of your break, then proceed to pick the witness line again to the desire break opening. To delete a break simply pick the break which will show the node points, right mouse click and select delete.



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