HI group,
Can anyone tell me how to customise the BOM format file to include all user parameters that are contained within the assembly.
I have done it before in my old job around 3.5 years ago but cannot remember how to do it.
I remember when I done it last I had all the parameter names as headings on the the delimited text file with all the fields of parameters filled out underneath the respective headers. when it was then read into excel as a delimited file all the headings filled out at the top of each column and all the parameter values below it. Can anybody tell me how to achieve this?
I tried to just get the bom output to list the parameter values using the help files as guidelines. I get an error message about the string being to long. I have 15 parameters and have been using the syntax; %$description[10s]; (where description varies for different parameters and [10s] is the field length).
Any help would be much appreciated or if someone could send a sample file that I could butcher to my own requirements it would be very helpful to:- sfarrell169<nospam>@yahoo.com remember to remove <nospam>
Thankyou in advance
Can anyone tell me how to customise the BOM format file to include all user parameters that are contained within the assembly.
I have done it before in my old job around 3.5 years ago but cannot remember how to do it.
I remember when I done it last I had all the parameter names as headings on the the delimited text file with all the fields of parameters filled out underneath the respective headers. when it was then read into excel as a delimited file all the headings filled out at the top of each column and all the parameter values below it. Can anybody tell me how to achieve this?
I tried to just get the bom output to list the parameter values using the help files as guidelines. I get an error message about the string being to long. I have 15 parameters and have been using the syntax; %$description[10s]; (where description varies for different parameters and [10s] is the field length).
Any help would be much appreciated or if someone could send a sample file that I could butcher to my own requirements it would be very helpful to:- sfarrell169<nospam>@yahoo.com remember to remove <nospam>
Thankyou in advance