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HI group,

Can anyone tell me how to customise the BOM format file to include all user parameters that are contained within the assembly.

I have done it before in my old job around 3.5 years ago but cannot remember how to do it.

I remember when I done it last I had all the parameter names as headings on the the delimited text file with all the fields of parameters filled out underneath the respective headers. when it was then read into excel as a delimited file all the headings filled out at the top of each column and all the parameter values below it. Can anybody tell me how to achieve this?

I tried to just get the bom output to list the parameter values using the help files as guidelines. I get an error message about the string being to long. I have 15 parameters and have been using the syntax; %$description[10s]; (where description varies for different parameters and [10s] is the field length).

Any help would be much appreciated or if someone could send a sample file that I could butcher to my own requirements it would be very helpful to:- sfarrell169<nospam> remember to remove <nospam>

Thankyou in advance

thankyou very much..

I have now got it to work as desired.

One other question.. I see you have a field for area with an integer value. I have fields for weight and volume to be calculated from mass properties using relations but I could not find any info in the help files for the relation to automatically calculate surface area. Can it be done parametrically?
I was wondering, can you display boolean (YES_NO) parameters in the bom file? I couldn't seem to get it to work. What I am trying to do is export a YES_NO parameter and a string. If the value for a specific part is YES, I want to print that file using the string parameter as the name of the DRW file. I am trying to do this with AutoIT, a program I read about on this forum.

In Wildfire 3 you can export the bom table in CSV format.

Just highlight the table in the drawing, then choose table/save asfrom the top menu and choose As CSV. Jobs a goodun.

Red Devil,

You make an excellent point. I have used this method to do exactly what I am trying to achieve in the BOM output. The problem I am running into is, I cannot get a mapkey to select the table. I am trying to use AutoIT to automate the exporting of these drawing files. I can call mapkeys using AutoIT, but because I know of no way of selecting the table with a mapkey, I am having trouble.

I figured if I can do it with the BOM, then I will be good.

Anyone have any ideas on how to select the table with a mapkey?


Though I wanted to keep from having users have to select the table, it looks like it may be the only way. AutoIT provides ways of performing mouse clicks, so I may be able to do that during the mapkey pause.


Have you tried adding the parameter as a column in the model tree. You can then export the model tree and using autoit extract the info you require.
Another way to do it would be to set the config option

info_output_format text (other option html)
info_output_mode choose {other options both(default), screen, file)

& use Info -> Bill of Materials

The only problem I had with this was displaying yes_no params. I couldn't seem to get them to show up in a customized BOM.

lcoates68 said:
BOM files are limited in length, I think around 100 characters or so. The total of your field lengths cannot exceed this limit. Here is an example of a BOM format file.src=/uploads/images/BOM%20File.jpg>[/QUOTE]

I have spent the tedious time to figure out this length....
Exactly 135 characters


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