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Associative edges editing


New member

how could I edit edges shown in a view, in order to represent
something slightly different than the actual 3D model ?
Suppose I have a 3D part with unchamfered edges and I want
the part show in the views with chamfers, how can I associatively
add a slanted line in the view, trim the existing edges, etc. ?
We can do this both in UG and Pro/E, how this can be done in CATIA ?

Hii mauri

see first u need to delete that edge in drawing sheet which u have created in model...after that follow the following instruction... the view on which u want to create the profile

2.create the required profile on that partcular view....

3.than give the required dimension,whatever u need for constraining....but mind it the dimension will varry if u drag ur plca it properly as per ur cjoice...

4.than right click on that profile and fix it will nt move move if u will drag...than give poper dimensions....

try it once

with luv



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