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Anyone there, whould yuo know?

Chould we animate manikin on Human Bulder Workbench?


Sincerely Yours
How's Ur Work? Is it well done?

I suggest u to order DDM one. Hopefully, it would help you soon. But don't be skeptic of your effort evenmore. Here I go. We could be a good partner, couldn't we?

Nowdays, It has come to be. Don't miss it that much of DDM I've suggested.

Thanks in million,

To animate the manikin u have to make a simulation that contains intermediate position of the manikin.
For more detailes consult the Online Documentation

Edited by: gvi70000
Hello,simulation is quite simple, as previously mentionned, you should look for the topic in the online documentation. The only thing you need to do is position your manikin in the start posture andstart a new simulation of the manikin. Then, you can use the posture editor or any other manipulation tool to give your manikin a new posture and click insert. do this for any number of postures and when you replay your simulation the program will interpolate between positions.
Simulation is quite simple, as previously mentionned, you should look
for the topic in the online documentation. The only thing you need to do
is position your manikin in the start posture andstart a new
simulation of the manikin.
rio_iyan said:
Anyone there, whould yuo know?

Chould we animate manikin on Human Bulder Workbench?


Sincerely Yours

You can definitely do it but you should have sound knowledge of all the things involved in it.

