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Addinig Default Datum Planes to an Existing Model



You cannot (easily) add default datum planes to a model that already has existing features. Use this procedure to add default datum planes to an existing model as the first three features.

1. Add a placeholder CSYS feature as feature #2.

Pick #Insert; #Datum; #Coord Sys; #Default; #Done; #Done/Return; #Feature; #Reorder (reorder the new CSYS to be feature #2) #Done/Return

2. Suppress the first feature and all its children. Pick #Info; #Regen Info; #Beginning; #Fix Model; #Quick Fix; #Suppress; #Suppress All; #Quit; #Yes

3. Use 'Fix Model' to create the planes before the first feature. Pick #Info; #Regen Info; #Beginning; #Fix Model; #Fix Model; #Feature; #Create; #Datum; #Plane; #Default; #Done/Return; #Done/Return; #Quit

4. Resume all the suppressed features. Pick #Feature; #Resume; #All; #Done; #Done/Return

5. Delete the placeholder feature. Pick #Feature; #Delete, pick the placeholder CSYS feature, #Done Sel; #Done; #Done/Return

6. Check the model tree. Be sure 'Tree, Show, Features' is checked on. The new planes are now the first three features of the assembly.


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