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adding blend vertex


New member
Hi all,

I am using wildfire 1.0 and I have a question regarding the blend tools (like blend, swept blend)

for a general blend, I make closed curves and select them as the sections. The problem is that if I want to blend a smooth section like a circle to a section with edges like a square, I need the same no of blend vertices at appropriate places. In a circle I can add vertex only at the two points that are originally vertex. Is there a way to add vertices at any point in the section I want to?

-thanks, abhishek
circle ->square..

easy make ur circle out of 4 (1/4) parts of a circle :)

i think you could also add datum points to the curves and it would use
them as vertex to? but i could be confusing that with something else.
While in the sketcher, you can divide up the entity (the circle in this
case) using the divide tool. I usually constrain those points to
construction lines and use the angle of the const. lines to line up the
points with the points in the second section.
puppet said:
i think you could also add datum points to the curves and it would use them as vertex to? but i could be confusing that with something else.

When creating a Boundary Blend you can use pts attached to the curves as Control Points.


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