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Add row to a table with same props


New member
I have a revision table in a customer border. When i go to add a row to the table for the next revision, I always have to click in each section of the row and change all of the properties like text height, text placement, etc...

Isn't there a way so that when you add a row, or column for that matter, all the text properties of the row above are copied with it? It takes forever to change everything manually.

I know what you mean, I don't know of any setting that can do that.

But what I do is add a new row to the table, then I select the entire row, right click, text style (to modify the entire row at once) then I click on the select tab , and then click on the existing row that has the required settings.

View attachment 3904

This will work for the entire row if you have eachcell with the same settings.

But if you have different settings for some cells in row, thenjust select those cells and apply the same procedure.

It will work faster this way because you don't have to set height, position, font....for every one....

This can be used for notes too...
vlad1979 said:
I know what you mean, I don't know of any setting that can do that.

But what I do is add a new row to the table, then I select the entire row, right click, text style (to modify the entire row at once) then I click on the select tab , and then click on the existing row that has the required settings

I use this technique quite often. Another thing that you and do is add more rows in your master format, insert a space in each cell, and then apply the format to those rows. Its a lot quicker to delete a row or two then it is to add in the properties.


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