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3D party conversation software


New member
Has anyone tried a 3rd party conversation softwares or services from solidworks to Catia? I am trying to get an assembly to a client that uses catia but no matter what I try catia crashes on the stp conversation. Because of this we are thinking of using a translation service or a translation software but I have no idea which ones are the good ones. Everyone says "we are the best", LAWL! I have seen prices on the software packagesfrom 2000 to 6000 and thats allot of money to spend without really knowing how others fare using it.

So my question is: What have you used and how did it go?


LAWL...I just found them this morning and they have a 5 day free trial. So far it looks really good but it is very system intensive. I stalled mine the first time as I had too many programs open at once. The second time it worked great.


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