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Wildfire Geometry-Draft Check?


New member
In 2001 you used to be able to select the whole part and visually see any neg/zero draft areas (blue)at a glance. In wildfire it looks like I can only select one surface at a time. Am I missing something?
when you activate the draft check tool, click the first feature in your feature tree and you will select the entire model. I find this faster than cycling through the selections with query or by changing the filter first to select the entire model.

Normally when you are doing drating check, if you just move you mouse pointer over the geo in the graphics area it will show a pre highlight, that is usually the full part you can just select it straight away, no cycle invloved.

Perhaps there is an option that controls this or differences
between versions?

WF2, with Pre_Select highlighting = On, Filter = Smart
Menu: Analysis -> Geometry -> Draft ...
Selection Filter changes to All, Pre-Select defaults to surfaces
(Geometry, not Feature).


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