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Where do BOM ballons go when they die?


New member
OK so I have an assembly with 2 instances of the same part. In the drawing, I add a balloon for the first one. I add a balloon for the second one. At one point I erase (not delete) the 1st balloon from the drawing. How can I get the 2nd balloon to display the total QTY of 2 again?

More to the point, how do I get that 1st balloon to display again, because then I can just merge them. ProE still treats the drawing like the 1st balloon is still there because I can only add additional REF balloons for the 1st part. The only way I know to fix this is to clear my balloons and start over. Needless to say, I don't want to do this or this will happen --->

While we are on the subject, what is the difference between DELETING the balloon and ERASING the balloon. If I remember right, neither will reset the count of balloons it register as being in the drawing (i.e. you can still only "add reference balloons".

I know that was the most confusing description ever, but if you know what I'm talking about and can help, let me know.

if you erase a balloon you get it back with show /erase.

Same as dimensions, erase will only erase the dimension / balloon from the view, but it will still be in memory. Delete is deleting them for good.

Everything you eraseyou can bringback with show/erase (dimensions, balloons, notes...)
My bad

Same as for dimensions click on show/erase button

View attachment 3725

View attachment 3726

Then click on the balloon tab, then click on show by view button.

Then click on the view where you erased the balloon (the balloon will apear light blue), then in the window above click select to keep and then click on the balloon.

Like I said this works for anything you erase, you just have to select the apropiate tab in type field in the window above.
Very nice. I don't use the show/erase much for dims because I don't like leaving edit-able dims in my drawing. (perhaps I have trust issues)

Plus, I've always been too lazy to sift through everything to do a Sel to Keep/Sel to Delete


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