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Unclipping axis lines


New member
I clipped out a portion of an axis line in one of my views. Normally when you clip a witness line on a dimension, it addshandles so you can drag the 2 portions of the witness line together (unclip them).

When I clip axis lines, though, it doesn't add any handles. I haven't found a way to unclip axis lines.

Does anyone know how?

Thanks, guys!
Select the axis, pick Edit/Remove/All Breaks.

There, wasn't that a nice consistent, intuitive user interface? NOT!!
dr_gallup said:
There, wasn't that a nice consistent, intuitive user interface? NOT!!

Thanks! That was driving me crazy!!!
Maybe, this will be a stupid question, but anyway.

1. How do you clip axis? Do you have axis_interior_clipping enabled or disabled?

2. What exactly does Edit > Remove > All Breaks command does, since you don't have an option to add breaks to axes?

We have axis_interior_clipping enabled and those linear axes with four handles were driving me mad, because every time you wrongly choose the handle it gets extended all through the model and you just cannot reset it to original state.


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