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Third angle projection as default


New member
Hi, I'm new to ProEngineer 3 but have been using ProDesktop for years. Just wondering how to convince ProE 3 to spit out a third-angle projection drawing by default, rather than a first angle one. Or, if that's not possible, how do I change it without having to delete some views and then creating others in order to make a 3rd angle projection. Is there a shortcut at all?

In your drawing.dtl file (in a drawing RMB, properties, drawing options) find projection_type and change it to firt angle

Thanks for helping out prohammy.

I've tried your suggestion but have had some issues with it:

Firstly, I don't have a drawing.dtl file on my system, only dwgform.dtl, which has the option you mentioned. There are also other .dtl files. But changing the setting to third angle has not effect. I'm still getting a first angle projection - top and side views at the top and the top view on the bottom. No change.

Changing this option through properties-drawing options has the same effect, namely nil. Furthermore, every time I create a new drawing, the setting re-sets itself to first angle.

Is is possible to have the default spit out third-angle: front and side view at bottom and top view above the front view?

Please continue to help out.

Edited by: oliwally

What version of ProE are you using?



Just because you change the drawing option from first to third (or vice versa) will not automatically change the orientation of the views that are already on a drawing. You will have to redo the projection views.

Edited by: prohammy
You need to set the option drawing_setup_file to a .dtl file with all your standard settings. You can edit & save .dtl files in Pro/E or just use an ascii text editor.

Note that many .dtl settings like projection angle are NOT retroactive, they only affect creation of new objects. However, some like text height will change all text that is set to the default height but not text set to custom heights. Can get a little confusing until you understand it all.
<div style="margin-left: 40px;">What version of ProE are you using?
I'm using v3.0 Schools Edition

<div style="margin-left: 40px;">Just because you change the drawing option from first to third (or vice
versa) will not automatically change the orientation of the views that
are already on a drawing. You will have to redo the projection views.
But once I change the setting and create a new drawing from a part, should the views be oriented correctly? Or is that something it just won't do?

<div style="margin-left: 40px;">You need to set the option drawing_setup_file to a .dtl file
with all your standard settings. You can edit & save .dtl files in
Pro/E or just use an ascii text editor.

</div>I have tried this now and have had no change. Perhaps I should not pick a template when creating the drawing?

Thanks again. Please continue to help me.
Drawing templates have all the drawing options stored internally. You will have to change the templates or make new ones.
Wow, we're getting in deeper and deeper here. It's a shame that some of those common options aren't simply available through some radio buttons in the UI or something like that (developers take note!), especially since we will have students using the software - being the ProE Schools Edition. They most certainly won't be able to edit config files.

Ok then, how do I create a new drawing template, or where do I find some info about it?

Thanks for your continued help.
I've found it and successfully created a third angle template.

Instructions were in the help menu, under 'detailed drawings', search for template and pick 'To Create a Drawing Template'.

After a bit of playing around (ask me if you want to know more) I saved a .drw file in
C:\Program Files\ProENGINEER Schools Edition\pro_standards\templates and I can now use it as a template, although it doesn't have to be in that folder - just makes it easy to access.
When creating a template be sure to set the option for third angle - while in template creation mode RMB in black space, properties,drawing options, projection type. I even set an option for having the views displayed with hidden lines by default (although the hidden lines in ProE need a bit of tweaking - but that's another chapter)

I've attached a copy of my template file. Perhaps it will help someone.Remember please that I don't actually know what I'm doing - I'm learning! Any suggestions and corrections are most welcome.

Help menu said:

  1. Click File > New. The New dialog box opens.

  2. Click Drawing, and then type
    the name of the template you are creating or accept the default.

  3. Select the Use default template
    checkbox (selected by default), and then click OK.
    The New Drawing dialog box opens.

  4. Click Empty or Empty with format.

If you click Empty with format:
Under Format, specify the format you want to use.
Then click OK. Pro/ENGINEER creates a new drawing with the
specified format.

If you click Empty: Under Orientation, specify the template orientation by clicking Portrait, Landscape, or Variable. For Portrait or Landscape, choose a standard size under Size. For Variable, specify a size using
the Width and Height boxes, and
specify a unit by selecting Inches or Millimeters.

  1. Click OK to create the

  2. Click Applications > Template to enter drawing template mode

  3. Click Insert > Template View. The Template View
    Instructions dialog box opens.

  4. Type the view name or accept the default, and then
    specify the view orientation.

  5. Specify view options and view values in the View Options and View Values areas.

  6. Click Place View and select
    the location of the General view.

After you place the view, you now have the options to move the symbol, edit the
view symbol, or to replace the view symbol.

  1. To place additional views, click New, type the new view name, and orient the new view. Specify
    the view options and view values of the new view.

  2. When you are done placing all of the desired views,
    click OK. Save the
Edited by: oliwally

congratulations on finding a solution. In actuality most people customize their templates to use a company standard or their own custom template. It is not something new or unusual, which is clear by the amount of detail that has been made adjustable.

I am a bit surprised that you feel that students could not or would not modify config files. The first things people should learn is simple solid modeling and the setup of the configurations. Everything done after that would be directly affected by these groundwork activities. I doubt a new student would want to tackle a config file made by a seasoned pro-e user. However, it is good for them to start with a basic file where each setting is explained and then have them add to it as they learn new modules or techniques.

I am sure students would benefit from this type of early training...


<div style="margin-left: 40px;">congratulations on finding a solution. In actuality most people
customize their templates to use a company standard or their own custom
template. It is not something new or unusual, which is clear by the
amount of detail that has been made adjustable.

</div>Thanks for your encouragement!
Yes, you're right. In the end it wasn't that hard. It's just knowing where to begin when new to the software, and also being used to other software. As always - a bit of a learning curve.
<div style="margin-left: 40px;">
I am a bit surprised that you feel that students could not or would not modify config files.

</div>The students would certainly have the ability to do so (sorry, I didn't make that very clear) but on our school network they have no access to the 'C' drive for security reasons. Therefore, unless config files are edited from within ProE, they cannot be altered by the student. Earlier in this thread a suggestion was made to edit some config file with an external editor - just not an option for our young people.

<div style="margin-left: 40px;">However, it is good for them to start with a basic file where each
setting is explained and then have them add to it as they learn new
modules or techniques.

</div>Yes, I agree. That's kind of how I'm learning it right now.

Hopefully by posting my humble instructions here someone else in my situation will find a solution more quickly.

By the way - this forum is great! Very quick help by very knowledgeable people. Thanks everyone.
<div style="margin-left: 40px;">


Edited by: oliwally


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